2010年12月31日 星期五

1st Jnk Review Awards

自去年開始,我一直有留意以前上映過的電影,並且正式舉辦1st Jnk Review Awards,以推動自己接觸舊戲,同時亦鼓勵其他網友睇多d電影。在公佈得獎名單之前,我想宣佈在下屆Film Awards開始,新增兩項最佳外語片獎項,分別為中文電影及外語電影,經過整理,以下係之前評過的電影而合資格競逐這兩個獎項的名單:
The Best Foreign Picture---Chinese Language
Hot Days Summer
The Best Foreign Picture---Foreign Language
Broken Embraces
Sex, Party and Lies
Changing Sides

今次Review Awards總共有十七部影片角逐各大獎項,但係形式則與Jnk Film Awards有好大分別,這個獎項不但沒有Nomination List,而且會以分數為基準,只要候選單位能夠超越目標的分數,便能獲得「Runner-up(s)」的頭銜。以下係十七部影片的名單:
1.Titanic (1997)
2.Just Like Heaven (2005)
3.Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason (2004)
4.The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement (2004)
5.Pretty Woman (1990)
6.Brokeback Mountain (2005)
7.At the End of Daybreak (2009)
8.Transporter 2 (2005)
9.Wimbledon (2004)
10.Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix (2007)
11.The Pacifier (2005)
12.Godzilla (1998)
13.War of the Worlds (2005)
14.Alfie (2004)
15.United 93 (2006)
16.The Guardian (2006)
17.Jurassic Park (1993)

Formal Awards:
The Best Picture
Runner-up: Brokeback Mountain

The Best Foreign Picture---Chinese Language

The Best Foreign Picture---Foreign Language

The Best Aniamted Feature

The Best Director
Ang Lee (Brokeback Mountain)
Runner-ups: James Cameron (Titanic) and Paul Greengrass (United 93)

The Best Original Screenplay

The Best Adapted Screenplay
Brokeback Mountain
Runner-up: Alfie

The Best Actor Performance in Leading Role
Heath Ledger (Brokeback Mountain) ---Ennis Del Mar (posthumously)
Runner-ups: Leonardo DiCaprio (Titanic)---Jack Dawson and Jake Gyllenhaal (Brokeback Mountain) ---Jack Twist

The Best Actress Performance in Leading Role
Kate Winslet (Titanic) ---Rose DeWitt Bukater
Runner-up: Julia Roberts (Pretty Woman) ---Vivian Ward

The Best Actor Performance in Supporting Role
Hugh Grant (Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason) ---Daniel Cleaver

The Best Actress Performance in Supporting Role
Linda Cardellini (Brokeback Mountain) ---Cassie
Runner-ups: Gloria Stuart (Titanic) ---Old Rose (Posthumously), Michelle Williams (Brokeback Mountain) ---Alma and Marisa Tomei (Alfie) ---Julie

The Best Young Actor
Rupert Grint (Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix) ---Ron Weasley
Runner-up: Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix) ---Harry Potter

The Best Young Actress
Emma Watson (Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix)

The Best Ensemble Cast
Runner-ups: Brokeback Mountain and Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix

The Best Editing
Brokeback Mountain
Runner-ups: Titanic and United 93

The Best Cinematography
Runner-ups: Brokeback Mountain and United 93

The Best Art Direction
Runner-up: Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix

The Best Costume Design

The Best Make Up
Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix
Runner-up: Titanic

The Best Score
Runner-ups: Brokeback Mountain and Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix

The Best Song
My Heart Will Go On (Titanic) ---Celine Dion
Runner-ups: 暗湧 (At the End of Daybreak) ---Faye Wong, Old Habits Die Hard (Alfie) ---Mick Jagger and Never Let Go (The Guardian) ---Bryan Adams

The Best Sound Mixing
Jurassic Park

The Best Sound Effects Editing
Jurassic Park

The Best Visual Effects
Runner-up: Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix

The Best Action Design
Transporter 2

Informal Awards:
The Best Creative Story

The Best Poster Design
Brokeback Mountain
Runner-ups: Titanic and Alfie

The Best Partner/Couple
Leonardo DiCaprio & Kate Winslet (Titanic)
Runner-ups: Heath Ledger & Jake Gyllenhaal (Brokeback Mountain) (Posthumously), Daniel Radcliffe & Rupert Grint & Emma Watson (Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix), The air hostesses & the passengers (United 93) and Kevin Costner & Ashton Kutcher (The Guardian)

The Best Beginning
Runner-up: Brokeback Mountain

The Best Ending

The Best Scene
"You Jump; I Jump" (Titanic)
Runner-ups: The sinking of Titanic (Titanic), Singing in the Thai jail (Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason), Two Men Kiss (Brokeback Mountain) and When Ben cut his rope (The Guardian)

The Best Character
Heath Ledger (Brokeback Mountain) ---Ennis Del Mar (Posthumously)
Runner-ups: Leonardo DiCaprio (Titanic) ---Jack Dawson and Jude Law (Alfie) ---Alfie

The Best Villain
Imelda Staunton (Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix) ---Dolores Umbridge
Runner-ups: Billy Zane (Titanic) ---Caledon 'Cal' Hockley, Alessandro Gassman (Transporter 2) and Ralph Fiennes (Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix) ---Lord Voldemont

The Best Aided Character
Gloria Stuart (Titanic) ---Old Rose (Posthumously)
Runner-ups: Rupert Grint (Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix) ---Ron Weasley, Imelda Staunton (Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix) ---Dolores Umbridge, Susan Sarandon (Alfie) ---Liz and Melissa Sagemiller (The Guardian) ---Emily Thomas

The Coolest Actor
Ashton Kutcher (The Guardian) ---Jake Fischer
Runner-ups: Leonardo DiCaprio (Titanic) ---Jack Dawson, Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix) ---Harry Potter and Jude Law (Alfie) ---Alfie

The Prettiest Actress
Michelle Williams (Brokeback Mountain) ---Alma
Runner-ups: Kate Winslet (Titanic) ---Rose DeWitt Bukater, Anne Hathaway (The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement) ---Mia Thermopolis, Anne Hathaway (Brokeback Mountain) ---Lureen Newsome, Emma Watson (Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix) and Marisa Tomei (Alfie) ---Julie

The Best Trailer
Runner-ups: Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix, Alfie and United 93

The Best Translated Name
At the End of Daybreak (心魔)
Runner-up: Transporter 2 (換命快遞2)

Statisics: (Awards/Runner-ups)
Titanic 16/11
Brokeback Mountain 8/10
Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix 4/12
Jurassic Park 2/0
Alfie 1/10
The Guardian 1/4
Transporter 2 1/2
At the End of Daybreak 1/1
Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason 1/1
United 93 0/5
Pretty Woman 0/1
The Princess Diaries 2: Royal engagement 0/1

2010年12月21日 星期二

Jurassic Park---侏羅紀公園"恐龍經典之作"

《Jurassic Park》我由細就聽到大,我的長輩都統統看過這齣經典之作,而且此作亦有三套續集,不過都不及這齣原作。與現在相比,當時的各樣效果都很遜色,但是在90年代初已經十分吃香,而且是當時十分流行的電影題材,所以此戲在當時已經拎左三個技術獎項,我記得我睇既時候都有少少驚,足以證明電影的娛樂能力及實力。演員講唔上演得十分精彩,但係都令人印象深刻,我覺得成組演員好似《Jaws》的三集咁,玩得十分開心,又演得十分舒適。我覺得冇一些特別的演員的演出值得一提,因為大家都做得一般,亦冇與眾不同的表現,所以就此作結。在而家的時代,再睇番呢d戲只會覺得係一種欣賞經典的感覺,當中並沒有很大的共鳴。呢套戲係上年度Review電影的最後一部,遲d便會有1st JNK Review Awards的得獎名單,請繼續支持本站。評分:

The Best Picture
The Best Director---Steven Spielberg
The Best Adapted Screenplay
The Best Ensemble Cast
The Best Editing
The Best Cinematography
The Best Art Direction
The Best Make Up
The Best Score
The Best Sound Mixing
The Best Sound Effects Editing
The Best Visual Effects
The Best Action Design
The Best Scene---Chasing by dinosaurs
The Best Young Actor---Joseph Mazello (Tim Murphy)
The Best Young Actress---Ariana Richards (Lex Murphy)

A Single Man---單身男人"遺憾人生的參照"

近兩年都有一部由美國製造並且特別出色的同志電影,08年有《Milk》,09年有《A Single Man》,其實睇呢d戲都唔係咁容易,因為小弟會經常想著角色有異於常人的特質,所以會感到有點不舒服。不過以事論事,套戲又真係拍得有一定的水準,很清楚講出教授心中的牽掛,並且配合時代的差異,更加顯出他的如此情深。各位主要演員都有十分唔錯的表現,Julianne Moore飾演的女人十分到位,但可惜戲份太少,不能盡顯她精浱的演技。主角Colin Firth因此有過之而無不及,從上次《Mamma Mia!》反斗的大閒角,搖身一變成為質深大教授,而且感情生活一點也不簡單,予人一個看慣世態的形象。呢類角色一向都給人同情的感受,並且讓人覺得很難演繹。飾演佢學生的Nicholas Hoult印象亦鮮明,我覺得佢係套戲第二個亮點,此演員也有潛質在電影圈發展。感覺上這套電影與《Rachel Getting Married》在性質上幾相似,把一件很小的事放在大螢幕上公映,效果亦不俗。評分:

The Best Picture
The Best Director---Tom Ford
The Best Adapted Screenplay
The Best Actor Performance in Leading Role---Colin Firth (George)
The Best Actor Performance in Supporting Role---Nicholas Hoult (Kenny)
The Best Actress Performance in Supporting Role---Julianne Moore (Charley)
The Best Young Actor---Nicholas Hoult (Kenny)
The Best Editing
The Best Art Direction
The Best Costume Design
The Best Make Up
The Best Score
The Best Visual Effects

It's Complicated---複雜關係"偶爾令你笑一笑的甜品"

近期有外國娛樂圈組織進行統計,Meryl Streep是近三年最賺錢的喜劇女星,單是一套《Mamma Mia!》已經超過不少同行,而且她還戲劇喜劇兩邊拍,讓不少觀眾都不得不佩服她的專業演技。我個人是她的忠實影迷,在imdb剛剛發出左在新電影《The Iron Lady》飾演Margaret Thatcher的大頭相,眼看已經被她的氣勢震攝住,希望她明年有好成績。《It's Complicated》可算是暗淡無光之作,原因係Meryl Streep另一套角逐影后的喜劇《Julie and Julia》比這一套出色,觀眾看完過目即忘,我亦都是其中一份子。我會睇呢套戲的原因,相信都不言而喻,完完全全都係Meryl Streep。未必有人明白她如何有影響力,她在呢套戲仍然是主角,毫無難度地演繹失婚婦人的角色,我覺得人物背景和《Mamma Mia!》的Donna差不多,不過她都具備說服力。另外兩位男角Steve Martin及Alec Baldwin由主變配,但係在呢齣戲冇驚喜,所以不予太多評論。我現在十分期待Meryl Streep版的戴卓爾夫人,據初步估計,呢套戲應該五月拍峻上映,為她力爭第三座小金人鋪路。評分:

The Best Original Screenplay
The Best Actress Performance in Leading Role---Meryl Streep (Jane)
The Best Ensemble Cast